Chac-Chi News
Hurricane Dean entered on Mahahual the 21th of August (2007) . Dean strike
Mahahual with a huge force and the results were not good for Chac-Chi and for
most of the inhabitants of Mahahual. Most of the touristic infrastructure was
severely damaged.
Unfortunately Chac-Chi was strongly damaged, our main structure, a big palapa
which holds the restaurant, had lost it's roof and several of or cabaƱas were
also damaged. When Dean arrived, Chac-Chi was empty, all workers haved left
several days in advance to a safer place.
We are still evaluating the extensive damage that our place received, and we
estimate a long recovery time. We hope to be open again in about 6 to 8 months.
All changes are for good and life give us new opportunities to improve, we will
try to make a better place were you can enjoy and relax on your
vacations maintaining Chac-Chi a low impact development respecting the
Feel free to navigate throught our website and remember how our place looked
like before hurricane Dean.
My self and my family would like to thank several people that took some time to
write us to ask about our status and all Cruise Critic Boards members who have
support us for years. We hope to see you again soon when we are up and running
Joaquin R.
Click Here for 2006 ZydecoCruise NCL Sun November 12-19, 2006
Was going to walk back up the main drag, but decided just to take a taxi from Pez Quadro back to the ship. For the next adventure, it was on to Chac-Chi. What the heck is Chac-Chi? It's the "resort" next to the Costa Maya pier, that the port walled off so you would be a captive audience to the port authority's wishes and prices.
Here is today's hole in the fence... I don't know if I went the right way or not, but it works for me.
Walk this way..
Oh no.. Looks lie a dead end ahead. Well, make a right off onto the trail... Looking back to where I cut off..
A second fence with a hole - but now it's just a matter of following the trees with the creosote (or more likely paint)...
Turn at the sign (it is obvious)